Bash's vim mode, not vi Bash's vim mode, not vi bash bash

Bash's vim mode, not vi

If you set EDITOR variable, in bash you can press Ctrl-x ctrl-e to edit your current command line in your EDITOR e.g. vim


the ctrl-x ctrl-e is for emacs mode commandline editing, which is the default one. If you have already set it to vi mode, you could do what you have said, pressing the v. If you want to open the cmd line in vim, you have to set the EDITOR variable (in your .bashrc for example)

Personally I edit command line in emacs mode, even though vim is my main (and only) editor.

In your .bashrc, put the following line:

export VISUAL=/usr/bin/vim

If you want vim in many other contexts too, such as in git, you should also set EDITOR:

export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim