BLAS/LAPACK not installed: How to install it? BLAS/LAPACK not installed: How to install it? bash bash

BLAS/LAPACK not installed: How to install it?

Ubuntu doesn't have a binary distribution of either cblas or openblas, which are required for tsne according to their github. However, ATLAS, which is available on Ubuntu, comes with precompiled cblas.

In Ubuntu, debian, that should work with:

apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

If you need to have different compiler options, you'll have to build openblas yourself.

And check that you get libcblas.a in /usr/lib

Edited: Corrected package name.

Use this:

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev

Download a copy of OpenBLAS and compile it yourself. Install it into /usr/local using make install. There are OpenBLAS and ATLAS packages and whatever else in the official repositories, but their performance is suspect.