can not source ~/.bashrc file with ansible can not source ~/.bashrc file with ansible bash bash

can not source ~/.bashrc file with ansible

From reading your comments, you stated that you are trying to make permanate aliases and not for a particular session. Why not create those aliases inside of /etc/profile.d on the machines you need to have those particular aliases on instead of by user?

Also, from another post that popped up when I ran a google search on Ansible specifics as I am no Ansible expert... Not possible to source .bashrc with Ansible (thanks to @chucksmash for the link)

"Steve Midgley

You have two options to use source with ansible. One is with the "shell:" command and /bin/sh (the ansible default). "source" is called "." in /bin/sh. So your command would be:

-name: source bashrcsudo: noshell: . /home/username/.bashrc && [the actual command you want run]

Note you have to run a command after sourcing .bashrc b/c each ssh session is distinct - every ansible command runs in a separate ssh transaction.

Your second option is to force Ansible shell to use bash and then you can use the "source" command:\

name: source bashrcsudo: no   shell: source /home/username/.bashrc && [the actual command you want run]args:  executable: /bin/bash

Finally, I'll note that you may want to actually source "/etc/profile" if you're on Ubuntu or similar, which more completely simulates a local login."

If you expect the variables you set in one Bash instance to be visible in other Bash instances, or in the Ansible instance which ran this Bash script, there is no way to do that; this is inherent to the Unix process model.

What you can do is set a variable and then run whichever tool needs for this value to be set.

bash -c 'var="value" /path/to/other/tool'

This can be arbitrarily complex, though you're probably better off creating a separate external script if the task you need to perform could require anything more than the most trivial debugging.