Change from HTML character references to utf-8 in a bash script ie. ā becomes ā Change from HTML character references to utf-8 in a bash script ie. ā becomes ā bash bash

Change from HTML character references to utf-8 in a bash script ie. ā becomes ā

If you have access to Perl then it's relatively simple:

perl -ne 'binmode STDOUT,":utf8";s/&#([0-9]*);/pack("U",$1)/eg;print' \  document.html


#!/bin/bashhtml2utf8() {  perl -ne 'binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; s/&#([0-9]*);/pack("U",$1)/eg; print'}echo 'testing 1 ā 2 Ĭ 3 ē' | html2utf8


testing 1 ā 2 Ĭ 3 ē

If you're looking for a bash only way of doing this, it looks like there are some solutions in this thread: