Checking file owner permissions Checking file owner permissions bash bash

Checking file owner permissions

You can use stat to get the file permissions, and parse them with another command to get the character you want.

stat -c %A someFile

Returns something like:


EDIT: Here you go:

stat -c %A someFile | sed 's/...\(.\).\+/\1/'

Returns either - or x if the owner has execute.

EDIT 2: For completion's sake:

if [ `stat -c %A someFile | sed 's/...\(.\).\+/\1/'` == "x" ] then  echo "Owner has execute permission!"fi

EDIT 3: If you prefer numerical permissions:

stat -c %a /path/to/a/file will output 600 or 700 or whatever 3 digit base-8 number.