CMake is not able to find BOOST libraries CMake is not able to find BOOST libraries bash bash

CMake is not able to find BOOST libraries

Try to complete cmake process with following libs:

sudo apt-get install cmake libblkid-dev e2fslibs-dev libboost-all-dev libaudit-dev

I'm using this to set up boost from cmake in my CMakeLists.txt. Try something similar (make sure to update paths to your installation of boost).

SET (BOOST_ROOT "/opt/boost/boost_1_57_0")SET (BOOST_INCLUDEDIR "/opt/boost/boost-1.57.0/include")SET (BOOST_LIBRARYDIR "/opt/boost/boost-1.57.0/lib")SET (BOOST_MIN_VERSION "1.55.0")set (Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE ON)FIND_PACKAGE(Boost ${BOOST_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED)if (NOT Boost_FOUND)  message(FATAL_ERROR "Fatal error: Boost (version >= 1.55) required.")else()  message(STATUS "Setting up BOOST")  message(STATUS " Includes - ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}")  message(STATUS " Library  - ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}")  include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})  link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS})endif (NOT Boost_FOUND)

This will either search default paths (/usr, /usr/local) or the path provided through the cmake variables (BOOST_ROOT, BOOST_INCLUDEDIR, BOOST_LIBRARYDIR). It works for me on cmake > 2.6.

I got the same error the first time I wanted to install LightGBM on python (GPU version).

You can simply fix it with this command line :

sudo apt-get install cmake libblkid-dev e2fslibs-dev libboost-all-dev libaudit-dev

the boost libraries will be installed and you'll be fine to continue your installation process.