Elegant way for verbose mode in scripts? Elegant way for verbose mode in scripts? bash bash

Elegant way for verbose mode in scripts?

As you noticed, you can define some log functions like log, log_debug, log_error, etc.

function log () {    if [[ $_V -eq 1 ]]; then        echo "$@"    fi}

It can help increasing your main code readability and hide show\nonshow logic into logging function.

log "some text"

If _V(global variable) is equal 1 "some text" will be printed, in other case it will not.

After reading all other posts I came up with this

# set verbose level to info__VERBOSE=6declare -A LOG_LEVELS# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syslog#Severity_levelLOG_LEVELS=([0]="emerg" [1]="alert" [2]="crit" [3]="err" [4]="warning" [5]="notice" [6]="info" [7]="debug")function .log () {  local LEVEL=${1}  shift  if [ ${__VERBOSE} -ge ${LEVEL} ]; then    echo "[${LOG_LEVELS[$LEVEL]}]" "$@"  fi}

Then you can simply use it like this

# verbose error.log 3 "Something is wrong here"

Which will output

[error] Something is wrong here

#!/bin/bash# A flexible verbosity redirection function# John C. Petrucci (http://johncpetrucci.com)# 2013-10-19# Allows your script to accept varying levels of verbosity flags and give appropriate feedback via file descriptors.# Example usage: ./this [-v[v[v]]]verbosity=2 #Start counting at 2 so that any increase to this will result in a minimum of file descriptor 3.  You should leave this alone.maxverbosity=5 #The highest verbosity we use / allow to be displayed.  Feel free to adjust.while getopts ":v" opt; do    case $opt in        v) (( verbosity=verbosity+1 ))        ;;    esacdoneprintf "%s %d\n" "Verbosity level set to:" "$verbosity"for v in $(seq 3 $verbosity) #Start counting from 3 since 1 and 2 are standards (stdout/stderr).do    (( "$v" <= "$maxverbosity" )) && echo This would display $v     (( "$v" <= "$maxverbosity" )) && eval exec "$v>&2"  #Don't change anything higher than the maximum verbosity allowed.donefor v in $(seq $(( verbosity+1 )) $maxverbosity ) #From the verbosity level one higher than requested, through the maximum;do    (( "$v" > "2" )) && echo This would not display $v     (( "$v" > "2" )) && eval exec "$v>/dev/null" #Redirect these to bitbucket, provided that they don't match stdout and stderr.done# Some confirmations:printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 3 and above." >&3printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 4 and above." >&4printf "%s\n" "This message is seen at verbosity level 5 and above." >&5