"find" and "ls" with GNU parallel "find" and "ls" with GNU parallel bash bash

"find" and "ls" with GNU parallel

GNU parallel is a variant of xargs. They both have very similar interfaces, and if you're looking for help on parallel, you may have more luck looking up information about xargs.

That being said, the way they both operate is fairly simple. With their default behavior, both programs read input from STDIN, then break the input up into tokens based on whitespace. Each of these tokens is then passed to a provided program as an argument. The default for xargs is to pass as many tokens as possible to the program, and then start a new process when the limit is hit. I'm not sure how the default for parallel works.

Here is an example:

> echo "foo    bar \  baz" | xargs echofoo bar baz

There are some problems with the default behavior, so it is common to see several variations.

The first issue is that because whitespace is used to tokenize, any files with white space in them will cause parallel and xargs to break. One solution is to tokenize around the NULL character instead. find even provides an option to make this easy to do:

> echo "Success!" > bad\ filename> find . "bad\ filename" -print0 | xargs -0 catSuccess!

The -print0 option tells find to seperate files with the NULL character instead of whitespace.
The -0 option tells xargs to use the NULL character to tokenize each argument.

Note that parallel is a little better than xargs in that its default behavior is the tokenize around only newlines, so there is less of a need to change the default behavior.

Another common issue is that you may want to control how the arguments are passed to xargs or parallel. If you need to have a specific placement of the arguments passed to the program, you can use {} to specify where the argument is to be placed.

> mkdir new_dir> find -name *.xml | xargs mv {} new_dir

This will move all files in the current directory and subdirectories into the new_dir directory. It actually breaks down into the following:

> find -name *.xml | xargs echo mv {} new_dir> mv foo.xml new_dir> mv bar.xml new_dir> mv baz.xml new_dir

So taking into consideration how xargs and parallel work, you should hopefully be able to see the issue with your command. find . -name '*.xml' will generate a list of xml files to be passed to the script.sh program.

> find . -name '*.xml' | parallel -j2 echo script.sh {}> script.sh foo.xml> script.sh bar.xml> script.sh baz.xml

However, ls | parallel -j2 script.sh {} will generate a list of ALL files in the current directory to be passed to the script.sh program.

> ls | parallel -j2 echo script.sh {}> script.sh some_directory> script.sh some_file> script.sh foo.xml> ...

A more correct variant on the ls version would be as follows:

> ls *.xml | parallel -j2 script.sh {}

However, and important difference between this and the find version is that find will search through all subdirectories for files, while ls will only search the current directory. The equivalent find version of the above ls command would be as follows:

> find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.xml'

This will only search the current directory.

Since it works with find you probably want to see what command GNU Parallel is running (using -v or --dryrun) and then try to run the failing commands manually.

ls *.xml | parallel --dryrun -j2 script.shfind -maxdepth 1 -name '*.xml' | parallel --dryrun -j2 script.sh

I have not used parallel but there is a different between ls & find . -name '*.xml'. ls will list all the files and directories where as find . -name '*.xml' will list only the files (and directories) which end with a .xml.
As suggested by Paul Rubel, just print the value of $1 in your script to check this. Additionally you may want to consider filtering the input to files only in find with the -type f option.
Hope this helps!