gnu parallel: output each job to a different file gnu parallel: output each job to a different file bash bash

gnu parallel: output each job to a different file

It turns out I needed to quote out the redirect, because it was being processed outside of parallel:

seq 10 | parallel awk \''{...}'\' file{}.txt ">" file{}.out

Another way is to introduce the entire parallel command inside double quotes:

seq 10 | parallel " awk command > file{}.out "

Although, sometimes is useful redirect the output to file and also to stdout. You can achieve that using tee. In this case, the command to be used could be:

seq 10 | parallel " awk command | tee file{}.out "

As I was parallelizing a script that has no pipes support, the solutions here were not valid for me, so I opened a new thread here that solves the issue.

I hope it will help some others arriving here.