GNU parallel output progress while output to file GNU parallel output progress while output to file bash bash

GNU parallel output progress while output to file

The behaviour you see is not what GNU Parallel is designed to do: --progress is normally sent to STDERR and not to STDOUT for exactly that reason:

$ seq 3 | bin/parallel --progress echo {} >/tmp/outComputers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run1:local / 8 / 3Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to completelocal:0/3/100%/0.0s$ cat /tmp/out123

Has there been local modifications of GNU Parallel? Can you reproduce the issue on other systems?

PS: instead of 'echo -n' why to try: --tag

Try to redirect it completely within the subshell using exec:

: > path_count.csv  ## truncate filecat full_path.csv | parallel --progress -j +0 'exec >>path_count.csv; echo -n {},; pdfgrep -c [^_] {};'