How can you access an environment variable that has a space in its name in bash? How can you access an environment variable that has a space in its name in bash? bash bash

How can you access an environment variable that has a space in its name in bash?

You can simulate this bit of fun with the env command

env Clear\ Workspace=true bash

That will give you a shell with the environment variable set.

A hacky way, which should work up to bash 4.0, to get the environment variable value back out is:

declare -p Clear\ Workspace | sed -e "s/^declare -x Clear Workspace=\"//;s/\"$//"

Bash versions starting with 4.0 will instead return an error and are unable to extract such environment variables in that way.

Other than that you'd need to use either a native code program or a scripting language to pull it out, e.g.

ruby -e "puts ENV['Clear Workspace']"

Which is much less hacky... also if you don't have ruby

perl -e 'print "$ENV{\"Clear Workspace\"}\n";'


python -c 'import os; print os.environ["Clear Workspace"]'

And here is a native code version:

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {  char **env;  char *target;  int len;  if (argc != 2)   {    printf("Syntax: %s name\n", argv[0]);    return 2;  }  len = strlen(argv[1]);  target = calloc(len+2,sizeof(char));  strncpy(target,argv[1],len+2);  target[len++] = '=';  target[len] = '0';  for (env = envp; *env != 0; env++)   {    char *thisEnv = *env;    if (strncmp(thisEnv,target,len)==0)    {      printf("%s\n",thisEnv+len);      return 0;    }  }  return 1;}

bash is not the only language that can manipulate the environment:

$ perl -e '$ENV{"Clear Workspace"}="true"; system "env"' | grep ClearClear Workspace=true

If you're in a shell, you can always parse the output of env (untested)

value=$(env | while IFS="=" read -r var value; do                  if [[ $var = "Clear Workspace" ]]; then                      echo "$value"                      break                  fi              done )

Jenkins is probably creating something other than an environment variable.

You cannot have spaces in environment variables. Quoting

Environment variable names used by the utilities in the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 consist solely of uppercase letters, digits, and the '_' (underscore) from the characters defined in Portable Character Set and do not begin with a digit.