How to create a new partition with Ansible How to create a new partition with Ansible bash bash

How to create a new partition with Ansible

With Ansible 2.3 and above, you can use parted module to create partitions from a block device.For example:

 - parted:     device: /dev/sdb     number: 1     flags: [ lvm ]     state: present

To format the partition just use filesystem module as shown below:

 - filesystem:     fstype: ext2     dev: /dev/sdb1

To mount the partition to, let's say, /work folder just use mount module as shown below:

- mount:    fstype: ext2    src: /dev/sdb1    path: /work    state: mounted

By default, Ansible executes /bin/sh shell.
For example, if /bin/sh is linked to dash, it's built echo is different to the one in bash or GNU echo; so you end up with -e characters fed into fdisk.


- name: partition new disk  shell: echo -e "n\np\n1\n\n\nw" | sudo fdisk /dev/sdb  args:    executable: /bin/bash


- name: partition new disk  shell: /bin/echo -e "n\np\n1\n\n\nw" | sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

How to allocate all free space to a new partition and add it to LVM in Ansible

  • If you're using LVM, look into this!

  • If you want to use all the free space of the device, look into this!

Starting with a device /dev/sda and an existing partition on /dev/sda1 in {{ volumeGroup }}.

Use the following approach to create a partition /dev/sda2 in the free space of /dev/sda and to subsequently add the new partition to the existing {{ volumeGroup }}

- name: "Create partitions on devices"      block:       - name: install parted      package:        name: parted        state: present             - name: "Read device information /dev/sda"      parted:         device: "/dev/sda"        unit: MiB      register: device_info        - name: "Add new partition /dev/sda2"      parted:         device: "/dev/sda"        number: "2"        part_type: primary        flags: [ lvm ]        state: present        part_end: "100%"        part_start: "{{ device_info.partitions[0].end + 1}}MiB"             - name: "Add device to exising volume group {{ volumeGroup }}."      lvg:        vg: "{{ volumeGroup }}"        pvs: "/dev/sda1,/dev/sda2"