How to make .bashrc aliases available within a vim shell command? (:!...) How to make .bashrc aliases available within a vim shell command? (:!...) bash bash

How to make .bashrc aliases available within a vim shell command? (:!...)

Bash doesn’t load your .bashrc unless it’s interactive.

Run :set shellcmdflag=-ic to set it to interactive for the current session.

To make the setting permanent, add set set shellcmdflag=-ic to the end of your .vimrc file.

Use a bang (!) before sending a command to shell. For example: :! cd folder/.

I know this question was already previously "answered", but I have a problem with the answer. The shell doesn't need to be set to interactive in Vim. See this thread for an alternative answer without having to exit an interactive shell.

If you want non-interactive shell (as default) but expansion of bash aliases, put your alias definitions in a file, e.g. .bash_aliases and explicitly enable alias expansion in this file:

shopt -s expand_aliases  alias la='ls -la'

Then add this to your .vimrc so the aliases file is actually read each time you run a shell command from within vim:

let $BASH_ENV = "~/.bash_aliases"

This solution was suggested by "Jakob". See the link below for the original. I tested this on Mac OS X 10.9 and it worked flawlessly!

vim -- not recognizing aliases when in interactive mode?

I know it may be an old question, however none of the above answers worked for me as desired. So for the ones who came here from googling and for (oh-my-)zsh users:

My solution to this was as simply as copying .zshrc to .zshenv - as per

`.zshenv' is sourced on all invocations of the shell, unless the -f option is set. It should contain commands to set the command search path, plus other important environment variables. `.zshenv' should not contain commands that produce output or assume the shell is attached to a tty.

So $ cp ~/.zshrc ~/.zshenv will do the thing.