How to zero pad numbers in file names in Bash? How to zero pad numbers in file names in Bash? bash bash

How to zero pad numbers in file names in Bash?

It's not pure bash, but much easier with the Perl version of rename:

rename 's/\d+/sprintf("%05d",$&)/e' foo*

Where 's/\d+/sprintf("%05d",$&)/e' is the Perl replace regular expression.

  • \d+ will match the first set of numbers (at least one number)
  • sprintf("%05d",$&) will pass the matched numbers to Perl's sprintf, and %05d will pad to five digits

In case N is not a priori fixed:

for f in foo[0-9]*; do  mv "$f" "$(printf 'foo%05d' "${f#foo}")"done

I had a more complex case where the file names had a postfix as well as a prefix. I also needed to perform a subtraction on the number from the filename.

For example, I wanted foo56.png to become foo00000055.png.

I hope this helps if you're doing something more complex.

#!/bin/bashprefix="foo"postfix=".png"targetDir="../newframes"paddingLength=8for file in ${prefix}[0-9]*${postfix}; do  # strip the prefix off the file name  postfile=${file#$prefix}  # strip the postfix off the file name  number=${postfile%$postfix}  # subtract 1 from the resulting number  i=$((number-1))  # copy to a new name with padded zeros in a new folder  cp ${file} "$targetDir"/$(printf $prefix%0${paddingLength}d$postfix $i)done