IPython command not found Terminal OSX. Pip installed IPython command not found Terminal OSX. Pip installed bash bash

IPython command not found Terminal OSX. Pip installed

I had this issue too, the following worked for me and seems like a clean simple solution:

pip uninstall ipython

pip install ipython

I'm running mavericks and latest pip

Check IPython whether is installed by below command:

$python -m IPython

enter image description hereIf you got this result as above picture.

Then run this command on terminal and add into ~/.bash_profile file

$alias ipython='python -m IPython'

So try run "ipython" again on terminal. It works fine for me.

Reference topics:

ipython on MacOS 10.10 - command not found

iPython installed but not found

Create .pydistutils.cfg in your homedir with following content:


And then: pip install -U --user ipython. Of course $HOME/bin must be in your $PATH. Packages are going to be installed in $HOME/Library/Python, so user only, not system wide.