Is mixing getopts with positional parameters possible? Is mixing getopts with positional parameters possible? bash bash

Is mixing getopts with positional parameters possible?

I wanted to do something similar to the OP, and I found the relevant information I required here and here

Essentially if you want to do something like: [options] ARG1 ARG2

Then get your options like this:

while getopts "h:u:p:d:" flag; docase "$flag" in    h) HOSTNAME=$OPTARG;;    u) USERNAME=$OPTARG;;    p) PASSWORD=$OPTARG;;    d) DATABASE=$OPTARG;;esacdone

And then you can get your positional arguments like this:


More information and details are available through the link above.

Hope that helps!!

Mix opts and args :

ARGS=""echo "options :"while [ $# -gt 0 ]do    unset OPTIND    unset OPTARG    while getopts as:c:  options    do    case $options in            a)  echo "option a  no optarg"                    ;;            s)  serveur="$OPTARG"                    echo "option s = $serveur"                    ;;            c)  cible="$OPTARG"                    echo "option c = $cible"                    ;;        esac   done   shift $((OPTIND-1))   ARGS="${ARGS} $1 "   shiftdoneecho "ARGS : $ARGS"exit 1


bash  -a  arg1 arg2 -s serveur -c cible  arg3options :option a  no optargoption s = serveuroption c = cibleARGS :  arg1  arg2  arg3

#!/bin/bashscript_args=()while [ $OPTIND -le "$#" ]do    if getopts h:d:s: option    then        case $option        in            h) host_name="$OPTARG";;            d) wait_time="$OPTARG";;            s) script="$OPTARG";;        esac    else        script_args+=("${!OPTIND}")        ((OPTIND++))    fidone"$script" "${script_args[@]}"

#!/bin/bashecho "$0 $@"

Testing the OP's cases:

$ PATH+=:.  # Use the cases as written without prepending ./ to the scripts$ -h hostname -s -d waittime param1 param2 param3./ param1 param2 param3$ param1 param2 -h hostname param3 -d waittime -s param1 param2 param3$ param1 -h hostname -d waittime -s param2 param3./ param1 param2 param3

What's going on:

getopts will fail if it encounters a positional parameter. If it's used as a loop condition, the loop would break prematurely whenever positional parameters appear before options, as they do in two of the test cases.

So instead, this loop breaks only once all parameters have been processed. If getopts doesn't recognize something, we just assume it's a positional parameter, and stuff it into an array while manually incrementing getopts's counter.

Possible improvements:

As written, the child script can't accept options (only positional parameters), since getopts in the wrapper script will eat those and print an error message, while treating any argument like a positional parameter:

$ param1 param2 -h hostname -d waittime -s -a opt1 param3./ illegal option -- a./ param1 param2 opt1 param3

If we know the child script can only accept positional parameters, then should probably halt on an unrecognized option. That could be as simple as adding a default last case at the end of the case block:

            \?) exit 1;;
$ param1 param2 -h hostname -d waittime -s -a opt1 param3./ illegal option -- a

If the child script needs to accept options (as long as they don't collide with the options in, we could switch getopts to silent error reporting by prepending a colon to the option string:

    if getopts :h:d:s: option

Then we'd use the default last case to stuff any unrecognized option into script_args:

            \?) script_args+=("-$OPTARG");;
$ param1 param2 -h hostname -d waittime -s -a opt1 param3./ param1 param2 -a opt1 param3