Is there a hook in Bash to find out when the cwd changes? Is there a hook in Bash to find out when the cwd changes? bash bash

Is there a hook in Bash to find out when the cwd changes?

You would have to use a DEBUG trap or PROMPT_COMMAND.


trap chpwd DEBUG        # calls the function before each commandPROMPT_COMMAND=chpwd    # calls the function after each command

Note that the function defined in PROMPT_COMMAND is run before each prompt, though, even empty ones.

A better solution could be defining a custom chpwd hook.

There's not a complete hook system designed in Bash when compared with other modern shells. PROMPT_COMMAND variable is used as a hook function, which is equivalent to precmd hook in ZSH, fish_prompt in Fish. For the time being, ZSH is the only shell I've known that has a chpwd hook builtin.


If set, the value is interpreted as a command to execute before the printing of each primary prompt ($PS1).

chpwd Hook in Bash

A trick is provided to setup a chpwd equivalent hook in Bash based on PROMPT_COMMAND.

# create a PROPMT_COMMAND equivalent to store chpwd functionstypeset -g CHPWD_COMMAND=""_chpwd_hook() {  shopt -s nullglob  local f  # run commands in CHPWD_COMMAND variable on dir change  if [[ "$PREVPWD" != "$PWD" ]]; then    local IFS=$';'    for f in $CHPWD_COMMAND; do      "$f"    done    unset IFS  fi  # refresh last working dir record  export PREVPWD="$PWD"}# add `;` after _chpwd_hook if PROMPT_COMMAND is not emptyPROMPT_COMMAND="_chpwd_hook${PROMPT_COMMAND:+;$PROMPT_COMMAND}"


# example 1: `ls` list directory once dir is changed_ls_on_cwd_change() {  ls}# append the command into CHPWD_COMMANDCHPWD_COMMAND="${CHPWD_COMMAND:+$CHPWD_COMMAND;}_ls_on_cwd_change"# or just use `ls` directlyCHPWD_COMMAND="${CHPWD_COMMAND:+$CHPWD_COMMAND;}ls"

Source: Create chpwd Equivalent Hook in Bash from my gist.