Iterate over two arrays simultaneously in bash Iterate over two arrays simultaneously in bash bash bash

Iterate over two arrays simultaneously in bash

From anishsane's answer and the comments therein we now know what you want. Here's the same thing in a bashier style, using a for loop. See the Looping Constructs section in the reference manual. I'm also using printf instead of echo.

#!/bin/basharray=( "Vietnam" "Germany" "Argentina" )array2=( "Asia" "Europe" "America" )for i in "${!array[@]}"; do    printf "%s is in %s\n" "${array[i]}" "${array2[i]}"done

Another possibility would be to use an associative array:

#!/bin/bashdeclare -A continentcontinent[Vietnam]=Asiacontinent[Germany]=Europecontinent[Argentina]=Americafor c in "${!continent[@]}"; do    printf "%s is in %s\n" "$c" "${continent[$c]}"done

Depending on what you want to do, you might as well consider this second possibility. But note that you won't easily have control on the order the fields are shown in the second possibility (well, it's an associative array, so it's not really a surprise).

If all of the arrays are ordered correctly just pass around the index.

array=(  Vietnam  Germany  Argentina)array2=(  Asia  Europe  America)for index in ${!array[*]}; do   echo "${array[$index]} is in ${array2[$index]}"doneVietnam is in AsiaGermany is in EuropeArgentina is in America

You need a loop over array & array2

i=0while [ $i -lt ${#array[*]} ]; do    echo ${array[$i]} is in ${array2[$i]}    i=$(( $i + 1));doneVietnam is in AsiaGermany is in EuropeArgentina is in America

EDIT: Do not use the below tr based implementation. It will not work for array elements containing spaces. Not removing it so as to keep the comments relevant. See glenn jackman's comment instead of below answer.


Alternately, you can use this option (without loop):

paste <(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${array[*]}) <(tr ' ' '\n' <<< ${array2[*]}) | sed 's/\t/ is in /'