MSysGit Bash - how to enable Ctrl+Left / Right arrows? MSysGit Bash - how to enable Ctrl+Left / Right arrows? bash bash

MSysGit Bash - how to enable Ctrl+Left / Right arrows?

At your Bash prompt, press Ctrl-v Ctrl-Left-Arrow and Ctrl-v Ctrl-Right-Arrow and make note of the output. You should see something like: ^[OD and ^[OC or similar. Add the following lines to your ~/.inputrc:

"\eOC": forward-word"\eOD": backward-word

where you will substitute \e for escape (^[) and the rest of the characters you got (OD, OC or similar).

To re-read the file and make the changes active immediately, press Ctrl-x Ctrl-r.

I found this answer by tan on AskUbuntu, which worked for me after none of these answers did. I'll repost it here.

What is in your ~/.inputrc and /etc/inputrc? The minimum to get those keys working is, I think:

# mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving"\e[1;5C": forward-word"\e[1;5D": backward-word"\e[5C": forward-word"\e[5D": backward-word"\e\e[C": forward-word"\e\e[D": backward-word

If you have these in /etc/inputrc, the file needs to be included from ~/.inputrc, so check that it has the following line:

$include /etc/inputrc

Not really answering your question, but you can try ALT-F and ALT-B instead.