Multiplying strings in bash script Multiplying strings in bash script bash bash

Multiplying strings in bash script

You can use bash command substitution to be more portable across systems than to use a variant specific command.

$ myString=$(printf "%10s");echo ${myString// /m}           # echoes 'm' 10 timesmmmmmmmmmm$ myString=$(printf "%10s");echo ${myString// /rep}         # echoes 'rep' 10 timesreprepreprepreprepreprepreprep

Wrapping it up in a more usable shell-function

repeatChar() {    local input="$1"    local count="$2"    printf -v myString "%s" "%${count}s"    printf '%s\n' "${myString// /$input}"}$ repeatChar str 10strstrstrstrstrstrstrstrstrstr

You could simply use loop

$ for i in {1..4}; do echo -n 'm'; donemmmm

In bash you can use simple string indexing in a similar manner

#!/bin/bashoos="oooooooooooooo"n=2printf "%c%s\n" 'f' ${oos:0:n}



Another approach simply concatenates characters into a string

#!/bin/bashn=2chr=ostr=for ((i = 0; i < n; i++)); do     str="$str$chr"doneprintf "f%s\n" "$str"



There are several more that can be used as well.