parse arguments after getopts parse arguments after getopts bash bash

parse arguments after getopts

You can do something like:

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))first_arg=$1second_arg=$2

after the loop has run.

To capture all the remaining parameters after the getopts processing, a good solution is to shift (remove) all the processed parameters (variable $OPTIND) and assign the remaining parameters ($@) to a specific variable.Short answer:

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))remaining_args="$@"

Long example:

#!/bin/bashverbose=falsefunction usage () {    cat <<EOUSAGE$(basename $0) hvr:e:    show usageEOUSAGE}while getopts :hvr:e: optdo    case $opt in        v)            verbose=true            ;;        e)            option_e="$OPTARG"            ;;        r)            option_r="$option_r $OPTARG"            ;;        h)            usage            exit 1            ;;        *)            echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2            usage            exit 2            ;;    esacdoneecho "Verbose is $verbose"echo "option_e is \"$option_e\""echo "option_r is \"$option_r\""echo "\$@ pre shift is \"$@\""shift $((OPTIND - 1))echo "\$@ post shift is \"$@\""

This will output

$ ./ -r foo1 -v -e bla -r foo2 remain1 remain2Verbose is trueoption_e is "bla"option_r is " foo1 foo2"$@ pre shift is "-r foo1 -v -e bla -r foo2 remain1 remain2"$@ post shift is "remain1 remain2"