PHP/Ubuntu - QxcbConnection: Could not connect to display aborted PHP/Ubuntu - QxcbConnection: Could not connect to display aborted bash bash

PHP/Ubuntu - QxcbConnection: Could not connect to display aborted

Okay, I finally managed to solve it.

The issue is not with the permissions, but it is with the environment variables.

I had to include the following line in my bash script

export DISPLAY=':0.0'

Note that setting the variable in the terminal and running the script does not work. The line needs to be inside the script.

I assume this is because the DISPLAY variable is not set if you run the script as any user other than root, which is what happens in case of Apache/PHP where the script is executed as the 'www-data' user.

perhaps you could use something like the following at the top of your script:

if [ "$(id -un)" != "rohan" ]; then    exec sudo -u rohan $0 "$@"fiexport XAUTHORITY=/home/rohan/.Xauthorityexport DISPLAY=:0