Propagate all arguments in a bash shell script Propagate all arguments in a bash shell script bash bash

Propagate all arguments in a bash shell script

Use "$@" instead of plain $@ if you actually wish your parameters to be passed the same.


$ cat!/bin/ $@$ cat!/bin/ "$@"$ cat!/bin/bashecho Received: $1echo Received: $2echo Received: $3echo Received: $4$ ./ first secondReceived: firstReceived: secondReceived:Received:$ ./ "one quoted arg"Received: oneReceived: quotedReceived: argReceived:$ ./ first secondReceived: firstReceived: secondReceived:Received:$ ./ "one quoted arg"Received: one quoted argReceived:Received:Received:

For bash and other Bourne-like shells:

java com.myserver.Program "$@"

Use "$@" (works for all POSIX compatibles).

[...] , bash features the "$@" variable, which expands to all command-line parameters separated by spaces.

From Bash by example.