Renaming multiples files with a bash loop Renaming multiples files with a bash loop bash bash

Renaming multiples files with a bash loop

Several mistakes here:

  • NEWNAME = should be without space. Here bash is looking for a command named NEWNAME and that fails.
  • you parse the output of ls. this is bad if you had files with spaces. Bash can build itself a list of files with the glob operator *.
  • You don't escape "$i" and "$NEWNAME". If any of them contains a space it makes two arguments for mv.
  • If a file name begins with a dash mv will believe it is a switch. Use -- to stop argument processing.


for i in chr*do  mv -- "$i" "${i/%.fasta/.fa}"done


for i in chr*do  NEWNAME="${i/%.fasta/.fa}"  mv -- "$i" "$NEWNAME"done

The "%{var/%pat/replacement}" looks for pat only at the end of the variable and replaces it with replacement.

for f in chr*.fasta; do mv "$f" "${f/%.fasta/.fa}"; done

If you have the rename command, you can do:

rename .fasta .fa chr*.fasta