Ruby selenium webdriver unable to find Mozilla geckodriver Ruby selenium webdriver unable to find Mozilla geckodriver bash bash

Ruby selenium webdriver unable to find Mozilla geckodriver

You have selenium-webdriver-3.0.0.beta3.1 which is only for Firefox 48 and later (and not yet properly working). Fallback to selenium-webdriver version 2.53.4 and try again.

And also try this..

  • In the terminal change directory path to the directory where gem wasinstalled
  • Run gem uninstall selenium-webdriver
  • Run gem install selenium-webdriver -v 2.53.4

You have to make sure that geckodriver is in your PATH.

In my case you can see that /usr/local/bin is already in my path:

$echo $PATH/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin

So simply moving geckodriver into /usr/local/bin makes it accessible.

mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin/

You can now move toselenium-webdriver 3.4.3 which is the latest version. However, you still need the GeckoDriver because there no native extensions of Selenium in FF. You can also add the geckodriver-helper gem to your GemFile. Check .

Be aware of that there are still some issues that have to be fixed when you use the combination of Selenium3 & FF48+ combination and can affect your tests like double-click and modal windows.