Running a Python script within shell script - Check status Running a Python script within shell script - Check status bash bash

Running a Python script within shell script - Check status

First, you can pass the desired exit code as an argument to sys.exit in your python script.

Second, the exit code of the most recently exited process can be found in the bash parameter $?. However, you may not need to check it explicitly:

if python; then    echo "Exit code of 0, success"else    echo "Exit code of $?, failure"fi

To check the exit code explicitly, you need to supply a conditional expression to the if statement:

python script.pyif [[ $? = 0 ]]; then    echo "success"else    echo "failure: $?"fi

Hate to resurrect a dinosaur but while this selected answer worked as written I wanted to add a variation where one can check against multiple exit codes. $? only seems to retrieve the exit code of the last executed program one time. So if you need to check the exit code against multiple cases, it is necessary to assign $? to a variable and then check the variable, a la (using @chepner 's example):

python script.pyexit_code=$?if [[ $exit_code = 0 ]]; then    echo "success"elif [[ $exit_code = 1 ]]; then    echo "a different form of success, maybe"else    echo "failure: $exit_code"fi