Running bash script from within python Running bash script from within python bash bash

Running bash script from within python

Making executable and adding shell=True to the parameter list (as suggested in previous answers) works ok. Depending on the search path, you may also need to add ./ or some other appropriate path. (Ie, change "" to "./".)

The shell=True parameter is not needed (under a Posix system like Linux) if the first line of the bash script is a path to a shell; for example, #!/bin/bash.

If has the shebang #!/bin/sh and it has appropriate file permissions -- run chmod u+rx to make sure and it is in $PATH then your code should work as is:

import subprocessrc ="")

If the script is not in the PATH then specify the full path to it e.g., if it is in the current working directory:

from subprocess import callrc = call("./")

If the script has no shebang then you need to specify shell=True:

rc = call("./", shell=True)

If the script has no executable permissions and you can't change it e.g., by running os.chmod('', 0o755) then you could read the script as a text file and pass the string to subprocess module instead:

with open('', 'rb') as file:    script = = call(script, shell=True)

Actually, you just have to add the shell=True argument:"", shell=True)

But beware -

Warning Invoking the system shell with shell=True can be a security hazard if combined with untrusted input. See the warning under Frequently Used Arguments for details.
