Setting Title for Tabs in Terminator (Console Application) in Ubuntu Setting Title for Tabs in Terminator (Console Application) in Ubuntu bash bash

Setting Title for Tabs in Terminator (Console Application) in Ubuntu

ORIG=$PS1TITLE="\e]2;\"This is just crazy enough to work\"\a"PS1=${ORIG}${TITLE}

Resets title to

"This is just crazy enough to work"

This should apply to all xterm-style terminal emulators.

From the Terminator man pages,

Ctrl+Alt+W Rename window title.

Ctrl+Alt+A Rename tab title.

Ctrl+Alt+X Rename terminal title.

You can also launch a new instance with

$ terminator --title [title]

Add follwing in your .bashrc file by editing it using vim ~/.bashrc and use set_title to rename your tab:

set_title() {ORIG=$PS1TITLE="\e]2;$*\a"PS1=${ORIG}${TITLE}}

run source ~/.bashrc command after editing your .bashrc file

Ex.: set_title newtab will rename your current tab to newtab

working Properly in Gnome3.14 terminal and terminator 0.97