Show Hexadecimal Numbers Of a File Show Hexadecimal Numbers Of a File bash bash

Show Hexadecimal Numbers Of a File

Use the od command,

od -t x1  filename

Edit: Added "bytestream" functionality. If the script name contains the word "stream" (e.g. it's a symlink such as ln -s bash-hexdump bash-hexdump-stream and run as ./bash-hexdump-stream), it will output a continuous stream of hex characters representing the contents of the file. Otherwise its output will look like hexdump -C.

It takes a bunch of trickery since Bash isn't really good at binary:

#!/bin/bash# bash-hexdump# by Dennis Williamson - 2010-01-04# in response to usage: bash-hexdump fileif [[ -z "$1" ]]then    exec 3<&0                           # read stdin    [[ -p /dev/stdin ]] || tty="yes"    # no pipeelse    exec 3<"$1"            # read filefi# if the script name contains "stream" then output will be continuous hex digits# like hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"'[[ $0 =~ stream ]] && nostream=false || nostream=truesaveIFS="$IFS"IFS=""                     # disables interpretation of \t, \n and spacesaveLANG="$LANG"LANG=C                     # allows characters > 0x7Fbytecount=0valcount=0$nostream && printf "%08x  " $bytecountwhile read -s -u 3 -d '' -r -n 1 char    # -d '' allows newlines, -r allows \do    ((bytecount++))    printf -v val "%02x" "'$char"    # see below for the ' trick    [[ "$tty" == "yes" && "$val" == "04" ]] && break    # exit on ^D    echo -n "$val"    $nostream && echo -n " "    ((valcount++))    if [[ "$val" < 20 || "$val" > 7e ]]    then        string+="."                  # show unprintable characters as a dot    else        string+=$char    fi    if $nostream && (( bytecount % 8 == 0 ))      # add a space down the middle    then        echo -n " "    fi    if (( bytecount % 16 == 0 ))   # print 16 values per line    then        $nostream && echo "|$string|"        string=''        valcount=0        $nostream && printf "%08x  " $bytecount    fidoneif [[ "$string" != "" ]]            # if the last line wasn't full, pad it outthen    length=${#string}    if (( length > 7 ))    then        ((length--))    fi    (( length += (16 - valcount) * 3 + 4))    $nostream && printf "%${length}s\n" "|$string|"    $nostream && printf "%08x  " $bytecountfi$nostream && echoLANG="$saveLANG";IFS="$saveIFS"

The apostrophe trick is documented here. The relevant part says:

If the leading character is a single-quote or double-quote, the value shall be the numeric value in the underlying codeset of the character following the single-quote or double-quote.

Here is some output from the script showing the first few lines of my /bin/bash plus a few more:

00000000  7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.ELF............|00000010  02 00 03 00 01 00 00 00  e0 1e 06 08 34 00 00 00  |............4...|00000020  c4 57 0d 00 00 00 00 00  34 00 20 00 09 00 28 00  |.W......4. ...(.|00000030  1d 00 1c 00 06 00 00 00  34 00 00 00 34 80 04 08  |........4...4...|. . .00000150  01 00 00 00 2f 6c 69 62  2f 6c 64 2d 6c 69 6e 75  |..../lib/ld-linu|00000160  78 2e 73 6f 2e 32 00 00  04 00 00 00 10 00 00 00  ||00000170  01 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00  00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  |....GNU.........|

You could use od. "od -x file" Why reinvent that wheel?