Split output of command by columns using Bash? Split output of command by columns using Bash? bash bash

Split output of command by columns using Bash?

One easy way is to add a pass of tr to squeeze any repeated field separators out:

$ ps | egrep 11383 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 4

I think the simplest way is to use awk. Example:

$ echo "11383 pts/1    00:00:00 bash" | awk '{ print $4; }'bash

Please note that the tr -s ' ' option will not remove any single leading spaces. If your column is right-aligned (as with ps pid)...

$ ps h -o pid,user -C ssh,sshd | tr -s " " 1543 root19645 root19731 root

Then cutting will result in a blank line for some of those fields if it is the first column:

$ <previous command> | cut -d ' ' -f11964519731

Unless you precede it with a space, obviously

$ <command> | sed -e "s/.*/ &/" | tr -s " "

Now, for this particular case of pid numbers (not names), there is a function called pgrep:

$ pgrep ssh

Shell functions

However, in general it is actually still possible to use shell functions in a concise manner, because there is a neat thing about the read command:

$ <command> | while read a b; do echo $a; done

The first parameter to read, a, selects the first column, and if there is more, everything else will be put in b. As a result, you never need more variables than the number of your column +1.


while read a b c d; do echo $c; done

will then output the 3rd column. As indicated in my comment...

A piped read will be executed in an environment that does not pass variables to the calling script.

out=$(ps whatever | { read a b c d; echo $c; })arr=($(ps whatever | { read a b c d; echo $c $b; }))echo ${arr[1]}     # will output 'b'`

The Array Solution

So we then end up with the answer by @frayser which is to use the shell variable IFS which defaults to a space, to split the string into an array. It only works in Bash though. Dash and Ash do not support it. I have had a really hard time splitting a string into components in a Busybox thing. It is easy enough to get a single component (e.g. using awk) and then to repeat that for every parameter you need. But then you end up repeatedly calling awk on the same line, or repeatedly using a read block with echo on the same line. Which is not efficient or pretty. So you end up splitting using ${name%% *} and so on. Makes you yearn for some Python skills because in fact shell scripting is not a lot of fun anymore if half or more of the features you are accustomed to, are gone. But you can assume that even python would not be installed on such a system, and it wasn't ;-).