Test if string has non whitespace characters in Bash Test if string has non whitespace characters in Bash bash bash

Test if string has non whitespace characters in Bash

Many of these answers are far more complex, or far less readable, than they should be.

[[ $string = *[[:space:]]* ]]  && echo "String contains whitespace"[[ $string = *[![:space:]]* ]] && echo "String contains non-whitespace"

You can use bash's regex syntax.

It requires that you use double square brackets [[ ... ]], (more versatile, in general).
The variable does not need to be quoted. The regex itself must not be quoted

for str in "         "  "abc      " "" ;do    if [[ $str =~ ^\ +$ ]] ;then       echo -e "Has length, and contain only whitespace  \"$str\""     else       echo -e "Is either null or contain non-whitespace \"$str\" "    fidone


Has length, and contain only whitespace  "         "Is either null or contain non-whitespace "abc      " Is either null or contain non-whitespace "" 

A non-bash specific, shell only variant:

case "$string" in *[!\ ]*) echo "known";; *) echo "unknown";;esac