UNIX / BASH: Listing files modified in specific month UNIX / BASH: Listing files modified in specific month bash bash

UNIX / BASH: Listing files modified in specific month

date allows you to easily generate timestamps for purposes like that:

date -d "01-Mar-2011 -1 sec" # last second of Feb-2011

Fortunately, the same syntax is possible in find:

month="Mar-2010"find . -newermt "01-$month -1 sec" -and -not -newermt "01-$month +1 month -1 sec"

will find all files modified in March 2010

Well, I can create files that have the minimum timestamp and the maximum timestamp in February, and files that are just beyond February in each direction.

$ touch -t 201102010000.01 from$ touch -t 201102282359.59 to$ touch -t 201103010000.01 march$ touch -t 201101312359.59 january$ ls -ltotal 0-rw-r--r-- 1 mike None 0 Feb  1 00:00 from-rw-r--r-- 1 mike None 0 Jan 31 23:59 january-rw-r--r-- 1 mike None 0 Mar  1 00:00 march-rw-r--r-- 1 mike None 0 Feb 28 23:59 to

Then using GNU 'find' like this seems to show just the files whose timestamp is in February.

$ find -newermt '2011-02-01' ! -newermt '2011-03-01' -print./from./to

I don't know how portable these arguments are to other versions of 'find'.

Adding to Pumbaa80's answer:

In my pre-production environment, find does not support -newermt.

What I did instead was:

  1. Get a list of all possible files (via find, ls etc.)
  2. Generate the timestamps of the last second of last month and this month

    LAST_MONTH=$(date -d "01-Jun-2015" -1 sec +%s)THIS_MONTH=$(date -d "31-Jul-2015" +%s)
  3. Iterate over the list from point 1 and compare the timestamp of each file with the timestamps from point 2

    for file in $LIST_OF_FILESdo    TIMESTAMP=$(stat -c"%Y" $file)    if (( $LAST_MONTH < $TIMESTAMP ))    then        if (( $TIMESTAMP < $THIS_MONTH ))        then        echo "Your code here"        fi    fidone