Using getopts inside a Bash function Using getopts inside a Bash function bash bash

Using getopts inside a Bash function

As @Ansgar points out, the argument to your option is stored in ${OPTARG}, but this is not the only thing to watch out for when using getopts inside a function. You also need to make sure that ${OPTIND} is local to the function by either unsetting it or declaring it local, otherwise you will encounter unexpected behaviour when invoking the function multiple times.

#!/bin/bashfoo(){    foo_usage() { echo "foo: [-a <arg>]" 1>&2; exit; }    local OPTIND o a    while getopts ":a:" o; do        case "${o}" in            a)                a="${OPTARG}"                ;;            *)                foo_usage                ;;        esac    done    shift $((OPTIND-1))    echo "a: [${a}], non-option arguments: $*"}foofoo -a bc bar quuxfoo -x

Example run:

$ ./t.sha: [], non-option arguments:a: [bc], non-option arguments: bar quuxfoo: [-a <arg>]

If you comment out # local OPTIND, this is what you get instead:

$ ./t.sha: [], non-option arguments:a: [bc], non-option arguments: bar quuxa: [bc], non-option arguments:

Other than that, its usage is the same as when used outside of a function.

Here is simple example of getopts usage within shell function:

#!/usr/bin/env basht() {  local OPTIND  getopts "a:" OPTION  echo Input: $*, OPTION: $OPTION, OPTARG: $OPTARG}t "$@"t -a foo


$ ./ -a bcInput: -a bc, OPTION: a, OPTARG: bcInput: -a foo, OPTION: a, OPTARG: foo

As @Adrian pointed out, local OPTIND (or OPTIND=1) needs to be set as shell does not reset OPTIND automatically between multiple calls to getopts (man bash).

The base-syntax for getopts is:


and by default, not specifying arguments is equivalent to explicitly calling it with "$@" which is: getopts "a:" opts "$@".

In case of problems, these are the used variables for getopts to check:

  • OPTIND - the index to the next argument to be processed,
  • OPTARG - variable is set to any argument for an option found by getopts,
  • OPTERR (not POSIX) - set to 0 or 1 to indicate if Bash should display error messages generated by the getopts.

Further more, see: Small getopts tutorial at The Bash Hackers Wiki

The argument is stored in the varable $OPTARG.

function t() {  echo $*  getopts "a:" OPTION  echo $OPTION  echo $OPTARG}


$ t -a bc-a bcabc