virtualenvwrapper functions unavailable in shell scripts virtualenvwrapper functions unavailable in shell scripts bash bash

virtualenvwrapper functions unavailable in shell scripts

Just source the script in your script to import the virtualenvwrapper's functions. You should then be able to use the workon function in your script.

And maybe better, you could create a shell script (you could name it for example) to run any Python script into a given virtualenv, and place it in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, or any directory which is in your PATH.

Such a script could look like this:

#!/bin/sh# if is in your PATH (i.e. installed with pip)source `which`#source /path/to/ # if it's not in your PATHworkon $1python $2deactivate

And could be used simply like my_virtualenv /path/to/

I can't find the way to trigger the commands of virtualenvwrapper in shell. But this trick can help: assume your env. name is myenv, then put following lines at the beginning of scripts:

ENV=myenvsource $WORKON_HOME/$ENV/bin/activate

It's a known issue. As a workaround, you can make the content of the script a function and place it in either ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile

function run-app() {  workon "$(cat .venv)"  python}