Why do I have to press Ctrl+D twice to close stdin? Why do I have to press Ctrl+D twice to close stdin? bash bash

Why do I have to press Ctrl+D twice to close stdin?

In Python 3, this was due to a bug in Python's standard I/O library. The bug was fixed in Python 3.3.

In a Unix terminal, typing Ctrl+D doesn't actually close the process's stdin. But typing either Enter or Ctrl+D does cause the OS read system call to return right away. So:

>>> sys.stdin.read(100)xyzzy                       (I press Enter here)                            (I press Ctrl+D once)'xyzzy\n'>>>

sys.stdin.read(100) is delegated to sys.stdin.buffer.read, which calls the system read() in a loop until either it accumulates the full requested amount of data; or the system read() returns 0 bytes; or an error occurs. (docs) (source)

Pressing Enter after the first line caused the system read() to return 6 bytes. sys.stdin.buffer.read called read() again to try to get more input. Then I pressed Ctrl+D, causing read() to return 0 bytes. At this point, sys.stdin.buffer.read gave up and returned just the 6 bytes it had collected earlier.

Note that the process still has my terminal on stdin, and I can still type stuff.

>>> sys.stdin.read()        (note I can still type stuff to python)xyzzy                       (I press Enter)                            (Press Ctrl+D again)'xyzzy\n'

OK. This is the part that was busted when this question was originally asked. It works now. But prior to Python 3.3, there was a bug.

The bug was a little complicated --- basically the problem was that two separate layers were doing the same work. BufferedReader.read() was written to call self.raw.read() repeatedly until it returned 0 bytes. However, the raw method, FileIO.read(), performed a loop-until-zero-bytes of its own. So the first time you press Ctrl+D in a Python with this bug, it would cause FileIO.read() to return 6 bytes to BufferedReader.read(), which would then immediately call self.raw.read() again. The second Ctrl+D would cause that to return 0 bytes, and then BufferedReader.read() would finally exit.

This explanation is unfortunately much longer than my previous one, but it has the virtue of being correct. Bugs are like that...

Most likely this has to do with Python the following Python issues:

  • 5505: sys.stdin.read() doesn't return after first EOF on Windows, and
  • 1633941: for line in sys.stdin: doesn't notice EOF the first time.

I wrote an explanation about this in my answer to this question.

How to capture Control+D signal?

In short, Control-D at the terminal simply causes the terminal to flush the input. This makes the read system call return. The first time it returns with a non-zero value (if you typed something). The second time, it returns with 0, which is code for "end of file".