Windows 10 Linux Subsystem. How to install MongoDB Windows 10 Linux Subsystem. How to install MongoDB bash bash

Windows 10 Linux Subsystem. How to install MongoDB

At the moment, we can see some solutions to this problem in this Microsoft/BashOnWindows issue here

One of the working solutions

I was able to fix the

mongod: unrecognized service

issue by performing following tasks:

sudo nano /etc/init.d/mongod

then copy and paste the content from this url and save it (you can use vim or any other text editor)

After that give executable permission

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongod

Now you will be able to start the service by following command

sudo service mongod start

Just ignore the error and keep going. From here, the explanation:

this error can be safely ignored. WSL doesn't use Upstart to start processes at system boot. If you work closely with Upstart, this might cause some surprises for you; the message is informative to people who work directly with initctl, upstart, etc that WSL doesn't yet expose that functionality. If that's not your use case, then as you have observed, mongodb itself works.

Keep in mind that WSL is still beta and errors will be everywhere!