C memcpy in reverse C memcpy in reverse c c

C memcpy in reverse

No, memcpy won't do that backwards. If you're working in C, write a function to do it. If you're really working in C++ use std::reverse or std::reverse_copy.

This works for copying ints in reverse:

void reverse_intcpy(int *restrict dst, const int *restrict src, size_t n){    size_t i;    for (i=0; i < n; ++i)        dst[n-1-i] = src[i];}

Just like memcpy(), the regions pointed-to by dst and src must not overlap.

If you want to reverse in-place:

void reverse_ints(int *data, size_t n){    size_t i;    for (i=0; i < n/2; ++i) {        int tmp = data[i];        data[i] = data[n - 1 - i];        data[n - 1 - i] = tmp;    }}

Both the functions above are portable. You might be able to make them faster by using hardware-specific code.

(I haven't tested the code for correctness.)