C strcpy() - evil? C strcpy() - evil? c c

C strcpy() - evil?

memcpy can be faster than strcpy and strncpy because it does not have to compare each copied byte with '\0', and because it already knows the length of the copied object. It can be implemented in a similar way with the Duff's device, or use assembler instructions that copy several bytes at a time, like movsw and movsd

I'm following the rules in here. Let me quote from it

strncpy was initially introduced into the C library to deal with fixed-length name fields in structures such as directory entries. Such fields are not used in the same way as strings: the trailing null is unnecessary for a maximum-length field, and setting trailing bytes for shorter names to null assures efficient field-wise comparisons. strncpy is not by origin a ``bounded strcpy,'' and the Committee has preferred to recognize existing practice rather than alter the function to better suit it to such use.

For that reason, you will not get a trailing '\0' in a string if you hit the n not finding a '\0' from the source string so far. It's easy to misuse it (of course, if you know about that pitfall, you can avoid it). As the quote says, it wasn't designed as a bounded strcpy. And i would prefer not to use it if not necessary. In your case, clearly its use is not necessary and you proved it. Why then use it?

And generally speaking, programming code is also about reducing redundancy. If you know you have a string containing 'n' characters, why tell the copying function to copy maximal n characters? You do redundant checking. It's little about performance, but much more about consistent code. Readers will ask themselves what strcpy could do that could cross the n characters and which makes it necessary to limit the copying, just to read in manuals that this cannot happen in that case. And there the confusion start happen among readers of the code.

For the rational to use mem-, str- or strn-, i chose among them like in the above linked document:

mem- when i want to copy raw bytes, like bytes of a structure.

str- when copying a null terminated string - only when 100% no overflow could happen.

strn- when copying a null terminated string up to some length, filling the remaining bytes with zero. Probably not what i want in most cases. It's easy to forget the fact with the trailing zero-fill, but it's by design as the above quote explains. So, i would just code my own small loop that copies characters, adding a trailing '\0':

char * sstrcpy(char *dst, char const *src, size_t n) {    char *ret = dst;    while(n-- > 0) {        if((*dst++ = *src++) == '\0')            return ret;    }    *dst++ = '\0';    return ret;}

Just a few lines that do exactly what i want. If i wanted "raw speed" i can still look out for a portable and optimized implementation that does exactly this bounded strcpy job. As always, profile first and then mess with it.

Later, C got functions for working with wide characters, called wcs- and wcsn- (for C99). I would use them likewise.

The reason why people use strncpy not strcpy is because strings are not always null terminated and it's very easy to overflow the buffer (the space you have allocated for the string with strcpy) and overwrite some unrelated bit of memory.

With strcpy this can happen, with strncpy this will never happen. That is why strcpy is considered unsafe. Evil might be a little strong.