Cast int to pointer - why cast to long first? (as in p = (void*) 42; ) Cast int to pointer - why cast to long first? (as in p = (void*) 42; ) c c

Cast int to pointer - why cast to long first? (as in p = (void*) 42; )

The glib documentation is wrong, both for their (freely chosen) example, and in general.

gpointer p;int i;p = (void*) 42;i = (int) p;


gpointer p;int i;p = (void*) (long) 42;i = (int) (long) p;

will both lead to identical values of i and p on all conforming c implementations.
The example is poorly chosen, because 42 is guaranteed to be representable by int and long (C11 draft standard n157: Sizes of integer types ).

A more illustrative (and testable) example would be

int f(int x){  void *p = (void*) x;  int r = (int)p;  return r;}

This will round-trip the int-value iff void* can represent every value that int can, which practically means sizeof(int) <= sizeof(void*) (theoretically: padding bits, yadda, yadda, doesn't actually matter). For other integer types, same problem, same actual rule (sizeof(integer_type) <= sizeof(void*)).

Conversely, the real problem, properly illustrated:

void *p(void *x){  char c = (char)x;  void *r = (void*)c;  return r;}

Wow, that can't possibly work, right? (actually, it might).In order to round-trip a pointer (which software has done unnecessarily for a long time), you also have to ensure that the integer type you round-trip through can unambiguously represent every possible value of the pointer type.

Historically, much software was written by monkeys that assumed that pointers could round-trip through int, possibly because of K&R c's implicit int-"feature" and lots of people forgetting to #include <stdlib.h> and then casting the result of malloc() to a pointer type, thus accidentally roundtripping through int. On the machines the code was developed for sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*), so this worked. When the switch to 64-bit machines, with 64-bit addresses (pointers) happened, a lot of software expected two mutually exclusive things:

1) int is a 32-bit 2's complement integer (typically also expecting signed overflow to wrap around)
2) sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*)

Some systems (cough Windows cough) also assumed sizeof(long) == sizeof(int), most others had 64-bit long.

Consequently, on most systems, changing the round-tripping intermediate integer type to long fixed the (unnecessarily broken) code:

void *p(void *x){  long l = (long)x;  void *r = (void*)l;  return r;}

except of course, on Windows. On the plus side, for most non-Windows (and non 16-bit) systems sizeof(long) == sizeof(void*) is true, so the round-trip works both ways.


  • the example is wrong
  • the type chosen to guarantee round-trip doesn't guarantee round-trip

Of course, the c standard has a (naturally standard-conforming) solution in intptr_t/uintptr_t (C11 draft standard n1570: Integer types capable of holding object pointers), which are specified to guarantee the
pointer -> integer type -> pointer
round-trip (though not the reverse).

As according to the C99: quote:

5 An integer may be converted to any pointer type. Except as previously specified, the result is implementation-defined, might not be correctly aligned, might not point to an entity of the referenced type, and might be a trap representation.56)

6 Any pointer type may be converted to an integer type. Except as previously specified, the result is implementation-defined. If the result cannot be represented in the integer type, the behavior is undefined. The result need not be in the range of values of any integer type.

According to the documentation at the link you mentioned:

Pointers are always at least 32 bits in size (on all platforms GLib intends to support). Thus you can store at least 32-bit integer values in a pointer value.

And further more long is guaranteed to be atleast 32-bits.

So,the code

gpointer p;int i;p = (void*) (long) 42;i = (int) (long) p;

is safer,more portable and well defined for upto 32-bit integers only, as advertised by GLib.

I think it is because this conversion is implementation-dependendent. It is better to use uintptr_t for this purpose, because it is of the size of pointer type in particular implementation.