Does Delphi have any equivalent to C's volatile variable? Does Delphi have any equivalent to C's volatile variable? c c

Does Delphi have any equivalent to C's volatile variable?

Short answer: no.

However, I am not aware of any situation in which the conservative approach of the compiler will change the number of reads or writes if you follow this approach:

When reading a cross-thread visible location, save its value to a local before doing any further manipulation; similarly, restrict writes to a single assignment.

The Delphi compiler does not perform common subexpression elimination (CSE) on non-local location expressions when there are calls to non-inlined methods between the expressions, as the compiler doesn't do interprocedural optimization and thus it would not be correct even for single-threaded code.

So, you may want to use InterlockedExchange() to do your reads and writes to force this; additionally, this will cause a full memory barrier, so the processor won't reorder reads and writes either.

According to The Delphi Language for Mobile Development whitepaper, Delphi's mobile compilers have supported a [volatile] attribute since they were first introduced:

The volatile attribute is used to mark fields that are subject to change by different threads, so that code generation does not optimize copying the value in a register or another temporary memory location.

You can use the volatile attribute to mark the following declarations:

  • Variables (global and local)
  • Parameters
  • Fields of a record or a class.

You cannot use the volatile attribute to mark the following declarations:

  • Type
  • Procedures, Functions or Methods
  • Expressions

type  TMyClass = class  private    [volatile] FMyVariable: TMyType;  end;

Starting with Delphi 10.1 Berlin, the desktop compilers now support [volatile] as well.

Attributes Supported by All Compilers

Now, all Delphi compilers support the following attributes:

I don't know of any equivalent, nor do I think that the absolute directive will help you. absolute allows you to have two variables that use the same address, but I do not think it will prevent the compiler from optimising references to that memory.

I imagine you could use a pointer and manage it yourself. That way whatever the compiler does as far as optimising retrival of the pointer value, it should not assume the value stored at the address is the same as last time it read it, but this is pure speculation.