Get the current time in C Get the current time in C c c

Get the current time in C

Copy-pasted from here:

/* localtime example */#include <stdio.h>#include <time.h>int main (){  time_t rawtime;  struct tm * timeinfo;  time ( &rawtime );  timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );  printf ( "Current local time and date: %s", asctime (timeinfo) );    return 0;}

(just add void to the main() arguments list in order for this to work in C)

Initialize your now variable.

time_t now = time(0); // Get the system time

The localtime function is used to convert the time value in the passed time_t to a struct tm, it doesn't actually retrieve the system time.

Easy way:

#include <time.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(void){    time_t mytime = time(NULL);    char * time_str = ctime(&mytime);    time_str[strlen(time_str)-1] = '\0';    printf("Current Time : %s\n", time_str);    return 0;}