I'm trying to understand getchar() != EOF I'm trying to understand getchar() != EOF c c

I'm trying to understand getchar() != EOF

This code can be written more clearly as:

main(){    int c;    while (1) {        c = getchar();            // Get one character from the input        if (c == EOF) { break; }  // Exit the loop if we receive EOF ("end of file")        putchar(c);               // Put the character to the output    }}

The EOF character is received when there is no more input. The name makes more sense in the case where the input is being read from a real file, rather than user input (which is a special case of a file).

[As an aside, generally the main function should be written as int main(void).]

getchar() is a function that reads a character from standard input. EOF is a special character used in C to state that the END OF FILE has been reached.

Usually you will get an EOF character returning from getchar() when your standard input is other than console (i.e., a file).

If you run your program in unix like this:

$ cat somefile | ./your_program

Then your getchar() will return every single character in somefile and EOF as soon as somefile ends.

If you run your program like this:

$ ./your_program

And send a EOF through the console (by hitting CTRL+D in Unix or CTRL+Z in Windows), then getchar() will also returns EOF and the execution will end.

The code written with current C standards should be

#include <stdio.h>int main(void){    int c;    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)       putchar(c);}

The loop could be rewritten as

int c;while (1) {    c = getchar();    if (c != EOF)        putchar(c);    else        break;}

this reads as

  • repeat forever
    • get the next character ("byte") of input from standard input and store it into c
    • if no exceptional condition occurred while reading the said character
      • then output the character stored into c into standard output
    • else
      • break the loop

Many programming languages handle exceptional conditions through raising exceptions that break the normal program flow. C does no such thing. Instead, functions that can fail have a return value and any exceptional conditions are signalled by a special return value, which you need to check from the documentation of the given function. In case of getchar, the documentation from the C11 standard says (C11

  1. The getchar function returns the next character from the input stream pointed to by stdin. If the stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set and getchar returns EOF. If a read error occurs, the error indicator for the stream is set and getchar returns EOF.

It is stated elsewhere that EOF is an integer constant that is < 0, and any ordinary return value is >= 0 - the unsigned char zero-extended to an int.

The stream being at end-of-file means that all of the input has been consumed. For standard input it is possible to cause this from keyboard by typing Ctrl+D on Unix/Linux terminals and Ctrl+Z in Windows console windows. Another possibility would be for the program to receive the input from a file or a pipe instead of from keyboard - then end-of-file would be signalled whenever that input were fully consumed, i.e.

cat file | ./myprogram


./myprogram < file

As the above fragment says, there are actually two different conditions that can cause getchar to return EOF: either the end-of-file was reached, or an actual error occurred. This cannot be deduced from the return value alone. Instead you must use the functions feof and ferror. feof(stdin) would return a true value if end-of-file was reached on the standard input. ferror(stdin) would return true if an error occurred.

If an actual error occurred, the variable errno defined by <errno.h> would contain the error code; the function perror can be used to automatically display a human readable error message with a prefix. Thus we could expand the example to

#include <stdio.h>#include <errno.h> // for the definition of errno#include <stdlib.h> // for exit()int main(void){    int c;    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)       putchar(c);    if (feof(stdin)) {        printf("end-of-file reached\n");        exit(0);    }    else if (ferror(stdin)) {        printf("An error occurred. errno set to %d\n", errno);        perror("Human readable explanation");        exit(1);    }    else {        printf("This should never happen...\n");        exit('?');    }}

To trigger the end-of-file, one would use Ctrl+D (here displayed as ^D) on a new line on Linux:

% ./a.outHello worldHello world^Dend-of-file reached

(notice how the input here is line-buffered, so the input is not interleaved within the line with output).

Likewise, we can get the same effect by using a pipeline.

% echo Hello world | ./a.outHello worldend-of-file reached

To trigger an error is a bit more tricky. In bash and zsh shells the standard input can be closed so that it doesn't come from anywhere, by appending <&- to the command line:

% ./a.out <&-An error occurred. errno set to 9Human readable explanation: Bad file descriptor

Bad file descriptor, or EBADF means that the standard input - file descriptor number 0 was invalid, as it was not opened at all.

Another fun way to generate an error would be to read the standard input from a directory - this causes errno to be set to EISDIR on Linux:

% ./a.out < / An error occurred. errno set to 21Human readable explanation: Is a directory

Actually the return value of putchar should be checked too - it likewise returns EOF on error, or the character written:

while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {    if (putchar(c) == EOF) {        perror("putchar failed");        exit(1);    }}

And now we can test this by redirecting the standard output to /dev/full - however there is a gotcha - since standard output is buffered we need to write enough to cause the buffer to flush right away and not at the end of the program. We get infinite zero bytes from /dev/zero:

 % ./a.out < /dev/zero > /dev/full putchar failed: No space left on device

P.S. it is very important to always use a variable of type int to store the return value of getchar(). Even though it reads a character, using signed/unsigned/plain char is always wrong.