warning: left shift count >= width of type warning: left shift count >= width of type c c

warning: left shift count >= width of type

long may be a 64-bit type, but 1 is still an int. You need to make 1 a long int using the L suffix:

unsigned long x = 1UL << 32;

(You should also make it unsigned using the U suffix as I've shown, to avoid the issues of left shifting a signed integer. There's no problem when a long is 64 bits wide and you shift by 32 bits, but it would be a problem if you shifted 63 bits)

unsigned long is 32 bit or 64 bit which depends on your system. unsigned long long is always 64 bit. You should do it as follows:

unsigned long long x = 1ULL << 32

unsigned long x = 1UL << 31;

Not show the error message. Because before you specify the 32, is not true because only limited to 0-31.