What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C? What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C? c c

What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C?

puts is simpler than printf but be aware that the former automatically appends a newline. If that's not what you want, you can fputs your string to stdout or use printf.

(This is pointed out in a comment by Zan Lynx, but I think it deserves an aswer - given that the accepted answer doesn't mention it).

The essential difference between puts(mystr); and printf(mystr); is that in the latter the argument is interpreted as a formatting string. The result will be often the same (except for the added newline) if the string doesn't contain any control characters (%) but if you cannot rely on that (if mystr is a variable instead of a literal) you should not use it.

So, it's generally dangerous -and conceptually wrong- to pass a dynamic string as single argument of printf:

  char * myMessage;  // ... myMessage gets assigned at runtime, unpredictable content  printf(myMessage);  // <--- WRONG! (what if myMessage contains a '%' char?)   puts(myMessage);    // ok  printf("%s\n",myMessage); // ok, equivalent to the previous, perhaps less efficient

The same applies to fputs vs fprintf (but fputs doesn't add the newline).

Besides formatting, puts returns a nonnegative integer if successful or EOF if unsuccessful; while printf returns the number of characters printed (not including the trailing null).