When is it worthwhile to use bit fields? When is it worthwhile to use bit fields? c c

When is it worthwhile to use bit fields?

Bit-fields are typically only used when there's a need to map structure fields to specific bit slices, where some hardware will be interpreting the raw bits. An example might be assembling an IP packet header. I can't see a compelling reason for an emulator to model a register using bit-fields, as it's never going to touch real hardware!

Whilst bit-fields can lead to neat syntax, they're pretty platform-dependent, and therefore non-portable. A more portable, but yet more verbose, approach is to use direct bitwise manipulation, using shifts and bit-masks.

If you use bit-fields for anything other than assembling (or disassembling) structures at some physical interface, performance may suffer. This is because every time you read or write from a bit-field, the compiler will have to generate code to do the masking and shifting, which will burn cycles.

One use for bitfields which hasn't yet been mentioned is that unsigned bitfields provide arithmetic modulo a power-of-two "for free". For example, given:

struct { unsigned x:10; } foo;

arithmetic on foo.x will be performed modulo 210 = 1024.

(The same can be achieved directly by using bitwise & operations, of course - but sometimes it might lead to clearer code to have the compiler do it for you).

FWIW, and looking only at the relative performance question - a bodgy benchmark:

#include <time.h>#include <iostream>struct A{    void a(unsigned n) { a_ = n; }    void b(unsigned n) { b_ = n; }    void c(unsigned n) { c_ = n; }    void d(unsigned n) { d_ = n; }    unsigned a() { return a_; }    unsigned b() { return b_; }    unsigned c() { return c_; }    unsigned d() { return d_; }    volatile unsigned a_:1,                      b_:5,                      c_:2,                      d_:8;};struct B{    void a(unsigned n) { a_ = n; }    void b(unsigned n) { b_ = n; }    void c(unsigned n) { c_ = n; }    void d(unsigned n) { d_ = n; }    unsigned a() { return a_; }    unsigned b() { return b_; }    unsigned c() { return c_; }    unsigned d() { return d_; }    volatile unsigned a_, b_, c_, d_;};struct C{    void a(unsigned n) { x_ &= ~0x01; x_ |= n; }    void b(unsigned n) { x_ &= ~0x3E; x_ |= n << 1; }    void c(unsigned n) { x_ &= ~0xC0; x_ |= n << 6; }    void d(unsigned n) { x_ &= ~0xFF00; x_ |= n << 8; }    unsigned a() const { return x_ & 0x01; }    unsigned b() const { return (x_ & 0x3E) >> 1; }    unsigned c() const { return (x_ & 0xC0) >> 6; }    unsigned d() const { return (x_ & 0xFF00) >> 8; }    volatile unsigned x_;};struct Timer{    Timer() { get(&start_tp); }    double elapsed() const {        struct timespec end_tp;        get(&end_tp);        return (end_tp.tv_sec - start_tp.tv_sec) +               (1E-9 * end_tp.tv_nsec - 1E-9 * start_tp.tv_nsec);    }  private:    static void get(struct timespec* p_tp) {        if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, p_tp) != 0)        {            std::cerr << "clock_gettime() error\n";            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);        }    }    struct timespec start_tp;};template <typename T>unsigned f(){    int n = 0;    Timer timer;    T t;    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i)    {        t.a(i & 0x01);        t.b(i & 0x1F);        t.c(i & 0x03);        t.d(i & 0xFF);        n += t.a() + t.b() + t.c() + t.d();    }    std::cout << timer.elapsed() << '\n';    return n;}int main(){    std::cout << "bitfields: " << f<A>() << '\n';    std::cout << "separate ints: " << f<B>() << '\n';    std::cout << "explicit and/or/shift: " << f<C>() << '\n';}

Output on my test machine (numbers vary by ~20% run to run):

bitfields: 0.1405861449991808separate ints: 0.0393741449991808explicit and/or/shift: 0.2527231449991808

Suggests that with g++ -O3 on a pretty recent Athlon, bitfields are worse than a few times slower than separate ints, and this particular and/or/bitshift implementation's at least twice as bad again ("worse" as other operations like memory read/writes are emphasised by the volatility above, and there's loop overhead etc, so the differences are understated in the results).

If you're dealing in hundreds of megabytes of structs that can be mainly bitfields or mainly distinct ints, the caching issues may become dominant - so benchmark in your system.

update from 2021 with an AMD Ryzen 9 3900X and -O2 -march=native:

bitfields: 0.02248931449991808separate ints: 0.02884471449991808explicit and/or/shift: 0.01903251449991808

Here we see everything has changed massively, the main implication being - benchmark with the systems you care about.

UPDATE: user2188211 attempted an edit which was rejected but usefully illustrated how bitfields become faster as the amount of data increases: "when iterating over a vector of a few million elements in [a modified version of] the above code, such that the variables do not reside in cache or registers, the bitfield code may be the fastest."

template <typename T>unsigned f(){    int n = 0;    Timer timer;    std::vector<T> ts(1024 * 1024 * 16);    for (size_t i = 0, idx = 0; i < 10000000; ++i)    {        T& t = ts[idx];        t.a(i & 0x01);        t.b(i & 0x1F);        t.c(i & 0x03);        t.d(i & 0xFF);        n += t.a() + t.b() + t.c() + t.d();        idx++;        if (idx >= ts.size()) {            idx = 0;        }    }    std::cout << timer.elapsed() << '\n';    return n;}

Results on from an example run (g++ -03, Core2Duo):

 0.19016 bitfields: 1449991808 0.342756 separate ints: 1449991808 0.215243 explicit and/or/shift: 1449991808

Of course, timing's all relative and which way you implement these fields may not matter at all in the context of your system.