Why do you need "extern C" for C++ callbacks to C functions? Why do you need "extern C" for C++ callbacks to C functions? c c

Why do you need "extern C" for C++ callbacks to C functions?

It is clear that the thread_proxy function is private internal and I do not expect that it would be mangled as "thread_proxy" because I actually do not need it mangled at all.

Regardless, it's still going to be mangled. (Had it not been extern "C") That's just how the compiler works. I agree it's conceivable a compiler could say "this doesn't necessarily need to be mangled", but the standard says nothing on it. That said, mangling doesn't come into play here, as we aren't trying to link to the function.

In fact, in all my code that I had written and that runs on many platforms, I never used extern "C" and this had worked as-is with normal functions.

Writing on different platforms has nothing to do with extern "C". I expect all standard C++ code to work on all platforms that have a standard C++ compliant compiler.

extern "C" has to do with interfacing with C, which pthread is a library of. Not only does it not mangle the name, it makes sure it's callable with the C calling convention. It's the calling convention that needs to be guaranteed, and because we can't assume we are running on a certain compiler, platform, or architecture, the best way to try and do that is with the functionality given to us: extern "C".

My problem is that extern "C" functions pollute the global namespace and they are not actually hidden as the author expects.

There's nothing polluting about the above code. It's in an unnamed namespace, and not accessible outside the translation unit.

extern "C" linkage does not necessarily mean that only name mangling is suppressed. In fact, there may be a compiler which treats extern "C" as a different calling convention.

The standard leaves this completely open as implementation-defined semantics.

The question is valid - although the function is being passed to a C library, that C library is not linking to the C++ code at all. It is only given the address of the function, so it has no interest at all in the name of the function.

The point is that extern "C" is the closest thing there is to a cross-platform way of telling the compiler to make the function use the standard C calling convention on that platform (i.e. exactly how parameters and return values should be passed on the stack).

It is unfortunate that it also has the side-effect of creating an extern linker symbol at the global level. But this could be mitigated by using a name like boost_detail_thread_proxy instead.