Why does `free` in C not take the number of bytes to be freed? Why does `free` in C not take the number of bytes to be freed? c c

Why does `free` in C not take the number of bytes to be freed?

One-argument free(void *) (introduced in Unix V7) has another major advantage over the earlier two-argument mfree(void *, size_t) which I haven't seen mentioned here: one argument free dramatically simplifies every other API that works with heap memory. For example, if free needed the size of the memory block, then strdup would somehow have to return two values (pointer + size) instead of one (pointer), and C makes multiple-value returns much more cumbersome than single-value returns. Instead of char *strdup(char *) we'd have to write char *strdup(char *, size_t *) or else struct CharPWithSize { char *val; size_t size}; CharPWithSize strdup(char *). (Nowadays that second option looks pretty tempting, because we know that NUL-terminated strings are the "most catastrophic design bug in the history of computing", but that's hindsight speaking. Back in the 70's, C's ability to handle strings as a simple char * was actually considered a defining advantage over competitors like Pascal and Algol.) Plus, it isn't just strdup that suffers from this problem -- it affects every system- or user-defined function which allocates heap memory.

The early Unix designers were very clever people, and there are many reasons why free is better than mfree so basically I think the answer to the question is that they noticed this and designed their system accordingly. I doubt you'll find any direct record of what was going on inside their heads at the moment they made that decision. But we can imagine.

Pretend that you're writing applications in C to run on V6 Unix, with its two-argument mfree. You've managed okay so far, but keeping track of these pointer sizes is becoming more and more of a hassle as your programs become more ambitious and require more and more use of heap allocated variables. But then you have a brilliant idea: instead of copying around these size_ts all the time, you can just write some utility functions, which stash the size directly inside the allocated memory:

void *my_alloc(size_t size) {    void *block = malloc(sizeof(size) + size);    *(size_t *)block = size;    return (void *) ((size_t *)block + 1);}void my_free(void *block) {    block = (size_t *)block - 1;    mfree(block, *(size_t *)block);}

And the more code you write using these new functions, the more awesome they seem. Not only do they make your code easier to write, they also make your code faster -- two things which don't often go together! Before you were passing these size_ts around all over the place, which added CPU overhead for the copying, and meant you had to spill registers more often (esp. for the extra function arguments), and wasted memory (since nested function calls will often result in multiple copies of the size_t being stored in different stack frames). In your new system, you still have to spend the memory to store the size_t, but only once, and it never gets copied anywhere. These may seem like small efficiencies, but keep in mind that we're talking about high-end machines with 256 KiB of RAM.

This makes you happy! So you share your cool trick with the bearded men who are working on the next Unix release, but it doesn't make them happy, it makes them sad. You see, they were just in the process of adding a bunch of new utility functions like strdup, and they realize that people using your cool trick won't be able to use their new functions, because their new functions all use the cumbersome pointer+size API. And then that makes you sad too, because you realize you'll have to rewrite the good strdup(char *) function yourself in every program you write, instead of being able to use the system version.

But wait! This is 1977, and backwards compatibility won't be invented for another 5 years! And besides, no-one serious actually uses this obscure "Unix" thing with its off-color name. The first edition of K&R is on its way to the publisher now, but that's no problem -- it says right on the first page that "C provides no operations to deal directly with composite objects such as character strings... there is no heap...". At this point in history, string.h and malloc are vendor extensions (!). So, suggests Bearded Man #1, we can change them however we like; why don't we just declare your tricky allocator to be the official allocator?

A few days later, Bearded Man #2 sees the new API and says hey, wait, this is better than before, but it's still spending an entire word per allocation storing the size. He views this as the next thing to blasphemy. Everyone else looks at him like he's crazy, because what else can you do? That night he stays late and invents a new allocator that doesn't store the size at all, but instead infers it on the fly by performing black magic bitshifts on the pointer value, and swaps it in while keeping the new API in place. The new API means that no-one notices the switch, but they do notice that the next morning the compiler uses 10% less RAM.

And now everyone's happy: You get your easier-to-write and faster code, Bearded Man #1 gets to write a nice simple strdup that people will actually use, and Bearded Man #2 -- confident that he's earned his keep for a bit -- goes back to messing around with quines. Ship it!

Or at least, that's how it could have happened.

"Why does free in C not take the number of bytes to be freed?"

Because there's no need for it, and it wouldn't quite make sense anyway.

When you allocate something, you want to tell the system how many bytes to allocate (for obvious reasons).

However, when you have already allocated your object, the size of the memory region you get back is now determined. It's implicit. It's one contiguous block of memory. You can't deallocate part of it (let's forget realloc(), that's not what it's doing anyway), you can only deallocate the entire thing. You can't "deallocate X bytes" either -- you either free the memory block you got from malloc() or you don't.

And now, if you want to free it, you can just tell the memory manager system: "here's this pointer, free() the block it is pointing to." - and the memory manager will know how to do that, either because it implicitly knows the size, or because it might not even need the size.

For example, most typical implementations of malloc() maintain a linked list of pointers to free and allocated memory blocks. If you pass a pointer to free(), it will just search for that pointer in the "allocated" list, un-link the corresponding node and attach it to the "free" list. It didn't even need the region size. It will only need that information when it potentially attempts to re-use the block in question.

Actually, in the ancient Unix kernel memory allocator, mfree() took a size argument. malloc() and mfree() kept two arrays (one for core memory, another one for swap) that contained information on free block addresses and sizes.

There was no userspace allocator until Unix V6 (programs would just use sbrk()). In Unix V6, iolib included an allocator with alloc(size) and a free() call which did not take a size argument. Each memory block was preceded by its size and a pointer to the next block. The pointer was only used on free blocks, when walking the free list, and was reused as block memory on in-use blocks.

In Unix 32V and in Unix V7, this was substituted by a new malloc() and free() implementation, where free() did not take a size argument. The implementation was a circular list, each chunk was preceded by a word that contained a pointer to the next chunk, and a "busy" (allocated) bit. So, malloc()/free() didn't even keep track of an explicit size.