Why does this makefile execute a target on 'make clean' Why does this makefile execute a target on 'make clean' c c

Why does this makefile execute a target on 'make clean'

It's because the .d files are being -included unconditionally. As far as make knows, they could add dependencies or commands to the clean target. All included files are built first for this reason, otherwise you might get an incorrect or failed build. To disable this, you want to conditionally include the dependency files:

ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)-include $(DEPS)endif

An alternative solution is to generate the dependency files using touch and have them replaced by actual data as a side-effect of compilation. This is how automake does its dependency tracking, as it makes one-time builds faster. Look into the -MD and -MMD options to gcc if you want to go this route. Use a pattern rule like:

%.d:    @touch $@

To initially create the dependency files.

If you want to skip the include for multiple targets, you can use the filter function.

MAKEFILE_TARGETS_WITHOUT_INCLUDE := clean distclean doc# Include only if the goal needs itifeq ($(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(MAKEFILE_TARGETS_WITHOUT_INCLUDE)),)  -include $(DEPS)endif

It wants to regenerate the dependency files because it always tries to regenerate all of the makefiles, including -include'd makefiles, before doing anything else. (Well, actually, for me it doesn't do that - I have GNU Make 3.81 - so maybe it's a bug in your version that was fixed, or an optimization that mine has and yours doesn't. But anyway.)

The easiest way around this is to write your rules so they generate the .d files as a side effect of regular compilation, rather than giving explicit rules to generate them. That way, when they're not there, Make doesn't know how to generate them so it doesn't try (in a clean tree, the .cpp.o rules are enough, you don't need the header file dependencies). Look at an Automake-generated makefile -- a simple one -- to see how it's done.