Accepting get/post requests only from localhost Accepting get/post requests only from localhost codeigniter codeigniter

Accepting get/post requests only from localhost

in the constructor you could use

if ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']){  $this->output->set_status_header(400, 'No Remote Access Allowed');  exit; //just for good measure}

However if this method isnt what you're looking for.. use .htaccess you can perform a quick google search to return a specific example for denying get/post to all and then allow for

Using .htaccess is probably the best way, allow only from your local address and found this example at and changed it only slightly:

AuthName "bla"  AuthType Basic  <Limit GET POST>  order deny,allow  deny from all allow from from <your-ip-here></Limit>  

Use a key (think of API keys) to send along the request to your server. Then on your server you check that key and if it's the right one you return data.