Amazon SES: double dot Amazon SES: double dot codeigniter codeigniter

Amazon SES: double dot

For CI's email class to work with Amazon SES, the newline needs to be set to \r\n, as noted in the comments above. See this question and answer.

Adding 'crlf' => "\r\n" fixed the issue with the following config:


<?php$config['protocol']         = 'smtp';$config['mail_smtp_secure'] = 'TLS';$config['smtp_host']        = 'ssl://';$config['smtp_port']        = 465;$config['smtp_user']        = 'user';$config['smtp_pass']        = 'password';$config['charset']          = 'UTF-8';$config['mailtype']         = 'html';$config['newline']          = "\r\n";$config['crlf']             = "\r\n";$config['wordwrap']         = TRUE;$config['smtp_timeout']     = '20';$config['bcc_batch_mode']   = TRUE;?>

This issue was solved when we used the CodeIgnitor Amazon SES library :